Update on Bruno
Bruno has had his operation and come through with flying colours. Vet advised that he will be as good as new with the correct aftercare which we will ensure he receives at the BARN.
We have a warm bed and a heated kennel all ready for him to come home to today once he is discharged later on from Earlswood.
Bruno is such a lovely happy chap and just loves to get cuddles and attention as reported to us by the nurses at the hospital.
He will be coming home to the BARN this afternoon but will need recovery time to get over the operation before we will consider placing him up for adoption. Please do not apply for Bruno until he is advertised as ready for adoption.
The BARN would like to thank everyone who donated to Bruno’s operation. It warms our hearts to know that there are so many people out there who care for animals. Whether a large or small donation every penny went towards Bruno’s treatment and we can’t thank you enough.
Please watch the page for an update later when we collect him from the hospital. We will record the moment for you all.
Finally a huge woof and thank you from Bruno for caring to help him.