

It’s been a busy week for Fudge with two sessions of Hydro and his Physio assessment. The wee man is exhausted! 😴

Fudge is on pain meds and Meg, his Physiotherapist has advised that Fudge also starts Laser treatment to reduce inflammation and pain around his hip joints.

His treatment plan is going to be very intense and tiring for both Fudge and his foster family for the next few months.

He will require at least 3 treatment sessions a week along with Physio exercises at home 4 times a day.

There are lots of “normal” things he cannot do as there is a big risk of his hips completely dislocating if he moves the wrong way!

Fudge is always the sweetest boy and never causes any problems! We all adore him and are doing everything we can for him.

Again, a massive Thank you to Elaine, Rebecca & Cat for taking such great care of him, the fantastic team at Vet Rehab NI who treat him with such kindness and patience and of course, our amazing volunteers who give up their free time to run Fudge to all his appointments.

We will keep you up to date with his progress 🐾 ❤️ 💙

If you would like to help with Fudge’s ongoing care, please donate below, marked “FUDGE”.